Friday, June 17, 2011

Shepherding Shepherds

It has been a crazy week for the SERVE ministry members with sickness and classes going on in Ujamaa and Ukunda. In addition to that we have had 12 pastors and Church leaders boarding and learning at the SERVE compound. In the last two days they have been taught about Satan, Sin and Temptation by James Muthee (one of our team Members) and also the study of the Holy Spirit and His ministry in the Old and New Testaments and how that knowledge applies to the ministry right now (Dennis taught this). Today Dennis is going to finish by teaching about the ministry and calling of the pastor, before they leave for another month this afternoon for their respective churches.

Please continue to pray for these Pastors and Church leaders to be a shining example of Godly men and lights houses of truth in their respective villages. Pray for the strength of the teachers and our families who in times like these see us less and tired all the time. Thank God for understanding wives and kids. Pray for Anjela who has a virus infection that causes her to have really high fevers. Benjamin was sick as well but the Lord has healed his little BodyJ

Following are pictures, so as you pray, you can have the names and faces and names of these men that the Lord has brought our way:

Anjela and Benjamin playing with each other

Pastor Richard Mutua 

Pastor Nathan Ndune

Pastor Omari

Pastor Samuel

Pastor Samson

Pastor David Mreto AKA Chairman

Jeremiah and Pastor Kariuki


Mattresses laid on the floor at night for them to sleep on

Discussing the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts

Pastor Omari contributing to the Discussions 

Dennis weighing in on the discussions as well

Time to go - some of the pastors who live close by prefer to go home in the evening.

Pastor Moses works at night after class and comes to class in the morning 

Pastor Richard Mutua

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