Monday, February 11, 2008

Pray for the Children!!

As I hear more and more details from those who have been there and live there about those who have been impacted by the violence in Kenya my heart particularly breaks for the children and all they have seen, witnessed, experienced, etc. As you pray please keep in mind these little lives who have dramatically been affected by what's going on in their country....
Here's just a few recent articles written about the children I'd like to share... and if you've seen others please put the links in the comment section of this post. (Allison)

1 comment:

Nicole Wilson Conley said...

every time i wear my africa charm, i pray a lot during the day for Kenya... i always reach for whatever charm is on my necklace, and when i feel africa, it reminds me!
love and miss you...
when will you be here?!?!