Friday, August 29, 2008

Pictures Speak 1000 words

Allison and Anjela playing in the sand in Diani on Sunday after church. These 2 ladies love the beach.

Anjela entertaining our guests - she loves to be the center on attention!

Anjela, Allison and Dennis in Nakuru, Kenya during the Man of God/Titus 2 conferences.

Allison, Dennis, Linda and Jerry at our home in Mombasa hosting the pastors before the BTCP graduation the following day.

Some of the pastors that were taught by Jerry Clark - the Men's pastor at Denton Bible church while he was here in Mombasa.

Jerry and his interpreter Jacob during one of the teaching sessions in Mtwapa (situated at the North Coast of Kenya)
Below is Jerry and Linda chilling at the beach after a long day of work

1 comment:

Joyce Wright said...

Funny your pictures have 2003 dates. Angela was not around then :)
So glad Allison is feeling better and you all found an apartment. Ya Mungu ni mengi.