Thursday, June 17, 2010

What else could happen with the adoption?

Whate else could happen with the adoption certificate you might ask? Wasn't that suppose to be complete and all this behind us? We thought so too but...

now theres another hurdle with Anjela's adoption certificate. Two weeks ago we got a call saying the adoption certificate was finally ready but that my maiden name was spelled Strokes instead of Stokes. So they had to send it back to Nairobi. Then we got a call from the lawyer last Friday saying it was back and ready and we could pick it up on Monday. We were so excited we were finally going to have her adoption certificate in our hands and be able to go straight to the passport office to apply for her a passport. But when we got the lawyers office to pick up the certificate and we read it we realized that hadn't even put OMONDI on her name. It was just written ANjela Grace Akinyi which was the same thing that was on her original birth certificate. Wasn't that the whole point of this entire process was so she would be an Omondi girl?? Even the adoption order from the courts says from here on out her name shall be Anjela Grace Akinyi Omondi. Ughh!! So frustrating...but then it got worse. They sent it back to Nairobi to be changed and then we got a call saying something about OMONDI didn't appear on the court schedule and it had to in order for them to complete the adoption certificates and it had to match or something. We didn't completely understand but they said it now has to go back to the court and the judge for the who knows how long that will take now!!!!!!!! Please pray for a miracle in all of this. pray that whatever has to be done with the judge again will be done in a hurry. And really pray for peace for our family as this has really hit us hard. We thought this was all done and Anjela and I would get to travel to the States with Dennis next month. All of this is so hard to understand and so disappointing and frustrating but We praise God we can trust Him and know He has a plan! May the Lord show us what He is trying to teach us through this all and may He receive glory due His name!


Jessica said...

I'm gonna' come over there and punch some people in the face... hard.

Unknown said...

Oh you guys, I am SO, VERY sorry! I know I cannot imagine how different a process you are going through in Kenya versus what it would like here in the States. I am so excited to meet Anjela in person and for Tabitha to meet her too. I will join you in praying that it will come sooner rather than later. Love ya'll!