Monday, March 4, 2013

Kenya Decides

Thank you so much for your prayers for Kenya. I woke up early this morning and after walking the dog, I headed out to go to the polling station to cast my vote for the very first time in my life. It was a very pleasant process even though I stood in line for 3 and 1/2 hours. There were many church members on the line and time to catch up and just have small talk. 

Yesterday I preached a message on the responsibilities of Christians in Politics and Secular government. If you would like to listen to the message please click here... 

In the mean time let us continue praying for PEACE in Kenya and acceptance of whoever will be elected to become our next president, country and county leaders. God is in control so NO FEAR!!! 

So far apart from a little mishaps here and there, everything is generally calm, patient and peaceful. God is good! 

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