Monday, October 20, 2008

Update on Allison's Mom

My Mom had surgery today to biopsy and remove what they thought was a polyp inside of my mother's bladder. We praise God she came through the surgery very well and though she was a bit groggy I even got to talk to her on the phone a little bit. When they went in they found that the polyp was an actual tumor that had stemmed into the wall of the bladder. The doc says he removed it all but because he had to dig deeper into the muscle wall there is risk of bleeding. I talked to my sister and she said that since the surgery was a little more extensive than they thought they are going to keep Mom in the hospital overnight to monitor her. The biopsy is being done and hopefully we will know if the tumor was cancerous or benign. We praise God the docs found this tumor early and pray that it will prove to be noncancerous. Please continue to pray for my mother and her quick recovery. When she is released from the hospital she will go to stay with my sister til she's well. Please keep praying!---Allison

1 comment:

Joyce Wright said...

We will keep her in our prayers.
Joyce & Wesley