Thursday, February 26, 2009

Traveling to Nairobi

Please pray for us as we travel to Nairobi for the next week. We fly out tomorrow afternoon. I have been invited by SEBTS and Kimberly Samuel to come and help teach/facilitate the missionary women's class for the new Southeastern Seminary 2+2 wives on the field as their husbands attend their modular classes. Dennis and Anjela will also be going. Dennis will sit in on some of the men's classes and help Dr. Nelson teach some of the cultural classes. Anjela will be in the kids class with the other missionary kids and be loved on by the volunteers coming from the States. We are excited about this opportunity and look forward to the fellowship with other M- families. It will be so nice to get away from the heat for a week as well. And the big bonus..we get to spend a week with our dear friend Kimberly Samuel!! (if you dont know her you should...she's been part of our lives since the day Dennis and I first met!) And then she and Dr. Nelson and Graig M. will fly back to Mombasa to spend the weekend in the heat with us before they go back to the States. May this next week be a wonderful time of encouragement for all!

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